TRAPPIST-1e is an exoplanet orbiting around TRAPPIST-1 . She is located 40.5 light years away, in the zodiac constellation of Aquarius .
Bio [ ]
She's the friendliest of the bunch, always supporting her neighbor TRAPPIST-1 d and her best friend is TRAPPIST-1 f . She is also Earth 's sibling. She has a crush on Teegarden b . Like several of the other planets orbiting TRAPPIST-1 , the ceaseless stellar wind has begun to strip away her atmosphere, slowly turning her into another barren, irradiated rock.
Goal: Protect the Universe from antagonistic organizations (Ex: Betelgeuse's Alliance ).
R Draconis , Garnet Star , Deneb , Naos , Bellatrix , Rasalgethi A , Rasalgethi Ba , Spica A , UY Scuti , Mirfak , Iota Cancri A , Dabih Aa , Ankaa , Muspelheim , Minelauva , WR 148 A , Alphard , Luyten's Star , Cyg OB2#12 , Atria , Vindemiatrix , Aldebaran , Gacrux , P Cygni , Imai , Avior A , Rho Aurigae A , Rastaban , Zosma , Kitalpha , R Orionis , US 708 , 65 Andromedae , Musica , Edasich , Libertas , Nashira , IRC-10414 , Lacaille 8760 , Lacaille 9352 , Hydor , 14 Persei , Sigma Virginis , Ross 128 , Sigma Cygni , Alpheratz A , R136a2 , Sanduleak -69°202 , Alpherg , WR 24 , Calar 288 , Goria , S Persei , V602 Cephei , HD 143183 , Navi , VFTS 243 , RW Cygni , Ginan , Sabik , Westerhout 49-2 , Delta Pavonis , HD 30963 , NR Vulpeculae , Tureis , Gamma Leporis , Nihal
Black Holes
NGC 4889 , 3C 273*
Lutsk , HAT-P-11b , BD+20°594b , Surt , TrES-4b , Kepler-459b , Gliese 3470 b , WASP-39b , TrES-5b , LHS 1140 b , AE Andromedae b
The Union of Innocents
Goal: Respond to an attack directed to a member of the group.
Sun (Star Leader), Jupiter (Jovian Leader), Earth and Venus (Terrestrial Leaders), Tau Ceti e , TRAPPIST-1 e , Kepler-452 b , Kepler-442 b , Teide 1 , Kepler-11e , Kepler-62e , Kepler-62f , Aldebaran b , Kepler-11 , Albireo A , Albireo B , Altair , Aldebaran , Pollux , Regulus A , Dubhe , Merak , 18 Scorpii , R99 , TW Hydrae , TW Hydrae b , Spica B , Alpheratz B , Ancha , Scheat , Sigma Pegasi A , NGTS-4 , 61 Cygni A , 61 Cygni B , Kepler-1658b , Kepler-13b , HD 40307 g , Kepler-1229 b , Kertam , Ponter , Kertune , Cyatose