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The Universe of The Universe Wiki
Psst, I just want to tell you some gossip, Regulus A.
— Pollux, to Regulus A

Pollux (Beta Geminorium, HD 62509) is an orange giant in Gemini.


Pollux is one of the “gossip girls” along with Pistol Star. She is best friends with Pistol Star, Arcturus, Kepler 11, Regulus A, Aldebaran, Castor, Tau Geminorum and Sadalmelik. She also usually comforts Arcturus as they both are around the same and so it make her easier to comfort.


Stars R Draconis, Garnet Star, Deneb, Naos, Bellatrix, Rasalgethi A, Rasalgethi Ba, Spica A, UY Scuti, Mirfak, Iota Cancri A, Dabih Aa, Ankaa, Muspelheim, R136c1 Minelauva, WR 148 A, Alphard, Luyten's Star, Cyg OB2#12, Atria, Vindemiatrix, Aldebaran, Gacrux, P Cygni, Imai, Avior A, Rho Aurigae A, Rastaban, Zosma, Kitalpha, R Orionis, US 708, 65 Andromedae, Musica, Edasich, Libertas, Nashira, IRC-10414, Lacaille 8760, Lacaille 9352, Hydor, 14 Persei, Sigma Virginis, Ross 128, Sigma Cygni, Alpheratz A, R136a2, Sanduleak -69°202, Alpherg, WR 24, Calar 288, Goria, S Persei, V602 Cephei, HD 143183, Navi, VFTS 243,

RW Cygni, Ginan, Sabik, Westerhout 49-2, Godzilla Star

Black Holes NGC 4889, 3C 273*
Planets Lutsk, HAT-P-11b, BD+20°594b, Surt, TrES-4b, Kepler-459b, Gliese 3470 b, WASP-39b, TrES-5b, Kepler-131c, LHS 1140 b
The Union of Innocents
Sun (Star Leader), Jupiter (Jovian Leader), Earth and Venus (Terrestrial Leaders), Tau Ceti e, TRAPPIST-1 e, Kepler 452 b, Kepler 442 b, Teide 1, Kepler 11e, Kepler 62e, Kepler 62f, Aldebaran b, Kepler 11, Albireo A, Albireo B, Altair, Aldebaran, Pollux, Regulus A, Dubhe, Merak, 18 Scorpii, R99, TW Hydrae, TW Hydrae b, Mesarthim, Spica B, Alpheratz B, Ancha, Scheat, Sigma Pegasi A, NGTS-4, 61 Cygni A, 61 Cygni B, Kepler-1658b, Kepler-13b, HD 40307 g, Kepler-1229 b, Kertam, Ponter, Kertune, Cyatose