Phobos is one of the two of Mars' moons and is the biggest of the two.
Phobos is the most like Mars, he is a cool dude, he isn't a jerk, but isn't too nice either. He is cratered.
Phobos isn't going to live with Mars forever, in fact he is moving closer to Mars, because of this, in 50 million years, Phobos will enter Mars' roche limit and will either do one of these two.
- Fall onto Mars and collide with him and from rings around Mars
- Keep note that Phobos is near double the size of the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs
- (The more likely option) Phobos will be disintegrated by Mars' roche limit and will form a temporary ring around Mars.
- Phobos was formed after a large asteroid got ripped by Mars and created a debris disk that formed both moons.
- Phobos' name means fear in Greek.
- It takes 8 hours for Phobos to orbit Mars.
- Phobos has an unusual impact crater that is 9 km long. It’s speculated that this crater was from an asteroid impact. Whatever hit him nearly shattered him to pieces.
- Phobos' temperature is around -4 degrees Celsius or 25 degrees Fahrenheit.