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"Wait, didn't you tell me that Nemesis was real?"
The character in this article was thought to exist, but was later confirmed to not exist.

Nemesis is a red dwarf who was once the wife of Sun.


Nemesis was once the goth girl star, but one day she chucked an asteroid at Earth, killing the dinosaurs. Sun was furious with her and ejected her because of this. Today she has grown a hatred for Sun and Earth and she is plotting her plan for revenge back at the Solar System.


Nemesis also has a planet called Tartarus, who was ejected by the Sun, and now orbits her.

Nemesis system

Nemesis's System


  • Spectral type: M4.5V
  • Mass: 0.2 Solar Masses
  • Radius: 0.23 Solar Radii
  • Luminosity: 0.0038 Solar Luminosities
  • Temperature: 2,991 Kelvin
  • Metallicity: 0.6432 x Sun
  • Age: 4.5 billion years (Theoretical)

Betelgeuse's Alliance
Stars Betelgar, Zarmia, Vera, Betelgeuse, T Draconis, Sephdar, Nemesis, Denebola, KELT-9, Kepler 70, KELT-11, WASP-12, HIP 68468, MY Cephei, VX Sagittarii, KW Sagittarii, Alderamin, Alpha Microscopii, HE 8765-9764, V4998 Sagittarii, QS-1, Eta Carinae A, Alkarab A, Baten Kaitos A, Eta Trianguli Australis, Omicron Virginis, Polaris Australis, PZ Cassiopeiae, Sadalsuud, Mirzam, Muliphein, VY Canum Venaticorum, Bélénos, Psi Leonis, V584 Orionis, RY Persei A, RY Persei B, KY Canis Majoris, Acrab, V354 Cephei, Y Andromedae, Altais, Alnair, T Ceti, Mu Ceti, Alphecca A, NGC 7844-1, Muscida, Mekbuda, PSR B1620-26
Planets TrES-2b, DMPP-1 b, Gor, Gliese 667Cb, Kepler 444b, MOA-2009-BLG-387Lb, Tartarus, Tau Ceti b, Bélisama, 61 Cygni Bb, K2-72 b, HD 219134 g (Evil Side), TOI 849 b, Kepler-296c, K2-141 b, WRFEP-125846-16 b, Dreskiller, Fogine, Theian
Minor Planets 2021 AV7 Juno, Chaos, Chicxulub Impactor
Moons Counter-Moon, Sawiskera S/2009 S 1