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This article is about Moon. You may be looking for Moons.

Moon is well, a moon, is no doubt the most popular moon ever known.


Moon is sometimes very happy but other times is concerned about Earth's safety and tries his best to protect her, but in some cases he hurts himself while trying to protect her, which now he doesn't mind, his main goal is to save his best friend. But he has made some new friends. His new best friends are, Titan and Ganymede.

Moon was formed by 2 protoplanets which is a planet called "Proto" (theoretically or it's just Earth) and Theia which is known as gone. Also at some time,


Moon most likely wasn't born alone, because one side of Moon is covered in craters, while the other has little to no craters, what happened is Moon was born with a twin, and they collided, and that collision covered one of Moon's sides in craters and the Kordylewski clouds.


  • The Moon is the best friend of Earth.
  • As all we know, Neil Armstrong went to the moon in 1969 on board in Apollo 11.
  • He is the only moon that has the Earth. discovered in ancient times
  • There are rumors that his origin comes after the death of Theia.
  • His orbital period is 29 days.
  • The moon has his dark spots from lava pools that formed from craters 3.8 billion years ago.
  • He is tidally-locked, which means you can only see one half of his surface from the Earth.
  • The bright side of the Moon is the one appears at night while the one appears at solar eclipses.
  • In GC 2.0, he's seen with a United States flag on his head.


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