55 Cancri e (Nicknamed 55 Cnc e and officially named Janssen) is a exoplanet that orbits close to Copernicus. 55 Cancri e is a fancy and rich planet, with a confirmed atmosphere.
She acts like she has a lot of diamonds. She acts a bit like Venus. However, that is a costume. In real life, she is a planet with a thick atmosphere rich in either CO2 or CO orbiting 55 Cancri A, a star rich in carbon, and while up to a third of her mass might be diamond in such conditions, there is no proof of this.
55 Cancri System |
Stars |
Strange and Exotic exoplanets |
HD 189733 Ab, TOI-849 b, TrES-2Ab, KELT-9Ab, HR 5183 b, K2-18b, HAT-P-7b, WASP-107 b, Kepler-452b, GJ 504 b, WASP-76b, Kepler-10b, Upsilon Andromedae b, Janssen |