“ | I still hate you. | ” |
— Io, Jupiter's Moons
Io is the most volcanic body in the Solar System in which translates to her personality.
Io is always angry, and she hates just about everyone, has no friends, but doesn't have too many enemies. She hates a lot of planets but her true hatred goes to Amalthea, Europa and Jupiter. She recently noticed she was being too angry to others and wanted to change, so she got Callisto to help her and teach her how to be more liked, so she suggested to be more calm to others and act more kind to them, which ended up working making it so she is now not one of the most hated objects in the solar system.
She has a lot of impersonators.
Before the Galilean moons crash to Jupiter's Roche limit by gravitational radiation, tidal heating from Jupiter will cause Io's volcanos to destroy her for good.
The 42 Planemos |
Planets Mercury • Venus • Earth • Mars • Jupiter • Saturn • Uranus • Neptune |
Moons of Jupiter |
Adrastea, Aitne, Amalthea, Ananke, Aoede, Autonoe, Eirene, Elara, Erinome, Ersa, Euanthe, Eukelade, Europa, Eurydome, Callirrhoe, Callisto, Carme, Carpo, Chaldene, Cyllene, Ganymede, Helike, Hermippe, Himalia, Io. Iocaste. Isonoe, Kale, Kalyke, Leda, Lysithea, Megaclite, Metis, Mneme, Orthosie. Pandia, Pasiphae, Philophrosyne, Praxidike, S/2003 J 10, S/2003 J 12, S/2010 J 2, S/2016 J 1, S/2017 J 1, S/2017 J 6, Sinope, Sponde, Taygete, Telxinoi, Thebe, Themisto, Thyone, Valetudo. |