The Universe of The Universe Wiki
The Universe of The Universe Wiki

Deimos is one of the two Martian moons and is the smallest of the two.


Deimos is the friendliest of the two moons of Mars, he is always kind and friendly. His best friend is Phobos who is his brother.


Deimos won't be a moon of Mars forever. in fact, he is moving farther away from Mars, meaning soon Deimos will be too far from Mars to stay in orbit and will get deorbited by Mars and will leave Mars without any moons.


  • Just like Phobos, He was formed after a large asteroid got ripped by Mars and created a debris disk that formed both of them.
  • Deimos' name means dread and terror.
  • Due to Deimos’ distance and size, he would appear the size of a star in the night sky.
  • It takes Deimos 30 hours to orbit Mars.
  • Deimos' temperature is -40 degrees Celsius.

